Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II


Numero di CFU totali: 180.0

Knowledge Area Tier1 Tier2
AL : Algorithms and Complexity 19 9
AR : Architecture and Organization 0 16
CN : Computational Science 1 0
DS : Discrete Structures 37 4
GV : Graphics and Visualization 2 1
HCI : Human-Computer Interaction 4 4
IAS : Information Assurance and Security 3 6
IM : Information Management 1 9
IS : Intelligent Systems 0 10
NC : Networking and Communications 3 7
OS : Operating Systems 4 11
PBD : Platform-based Development 0 0
PD : Parallel and Distributed Computing 5 10
PL : Programming Languages 8 20
SDF : Software Development Fundamentals 43 0
SE : Software Engineering 6 22
SF : Systems Fundamentals 18 9
SP : Social Issues and Professional Practice 11 5