How-To: Run PEAR

There are two ways to run PEAR: using the WebStart mode (troubleshooting) or running it by the provided scripts. Notice that the WebStart mode does not allow you to extend PEAR's functionalities through plugins, so if you wish to run PEAR in standard mode you have to:

  1. download PEAR
  2. unzip the downloaded archive
  3. change to the directory $PEAR_HOME/release/bin
  4. launch run.bat if you are using a Windows operative system, otherwise use the script to launch PEAR under UNIX/Linux

Through both the scripts you can specify the name of the source containing the definition of the default validation rule system:

To change the logger verbosity you have to set the appropriate values for the following system properties:

If you wish to modify the values of the above system properties, you may edit the script's sources:

  1. you might want to make a backup copy of the script
  2. open the script you wish to modify with a common text editor
  3. locate the environment variable JVM_OPT
  4. locate the system property whose value is to be modified: a system property's name is prefixed by the option -D
  5. change its value
  6. save the modified source


JVM_OPT="-DdefaultRulesSource=synt-analysis.vr -DlogLevel=1
         -DenableWarnings=true -DtimeHeader=true -DclassHeader=false"


Note: $JRE_HOME stands for the directory where the Java Runtime Environment is installed.
