PolyA: A Generic Polymorphic Type System for Ambient Calculi.

Joe Wells

MyThS/MIKADO/DART Meeting, Venice, June 14-16 2004


Previous type systems for mobility calculi (the original Mobile Ambients, its variants and descendants, e.g., Boxed Ambients and Safe Ambients, and other related systems) offer little support for generic mobile agents. Previous systems either do not handle communication at all or globally assign fixed communication types to ambient names that do not change as an ambient moves around or interacts with other ambients. This makes it hard to type generic mobile agents such as a messenger ambient that uses communication primitives to collect a message of non-predetermined type and deliver it to a non-predetermined destination. In contrast, instead of assigning communication types to ambient names, our new type system PolyA assigns a type to each process P that gives upper bounds on (1) the possible ambient nesting shapes of any process P' to which P can evolve, (2) the values that may be communicated at each location, and (3) the capabilities that can be used at each location. Because PolyA can type generic mobile agents, we believe PolyA is the first type system for an ambient calculus that provides true type polymorphism. We will demonstrate an implementation of type inference for PolyA for ambient calculi such as Mobile Ambients, Safe Ambients, Boxed Ambients, etc. (requests from the audience for specific ambient calculi variants are welcome!). We have proven principal typings for a particular restriction of PolyA.