Congruences for the Kell calculus.

Alan Schmitt

MyThS/MIKADO/DART Meeting, Venice, June 14-16 2004



The Kell calculus is a family of distributed process calculi, parameterized by the pattern language used in input constructs. The kell calculus contains three main problematic features from a semantical point of view: It is a higher-order calculus, with hierarchical localities, and a form of process passivation. A notion of contextual bisimilarity is introduced that is shown (under certain conditions on pattern languages) to coincide with a natural, Ambient-like, contextual equivalence. Inspired by Sangiorgi's results on higher-order pi, a notion of normal bisimilarity is also introduced which is proved to coincide with contextual bisimilarity in an extended calculus. This provides a tractable notion of bisimilarity for the Kell calculus.