Confining Data and Processes in Global Computing Applications.

Daniele Gorla

MyThS/MIKADO/DART Meeting, Venice, June 14-16 2004



A programming notation is introduced that can be used for protecting secrecy and integrity of data in global computing applications. The approach is based on the explicit annotations of data and network nodes. Data are tagged with information about the allowed movements, while network nodes are tagged with information about which nodes can send data and spawn processes over them. These restrictions/annotations are used to confine the movement of data and processes. First, a general framework for describing global computing applications is proposed and the issues related to confinement are discussed in such a context. Then, the general framework is instantiated onto three models for process interaction and mobility, namely cKlaim (thekernel of Klaim), DPi (a distributed version of the Pi-calculus) and M-cube (a variant of the Mobile Ambient Calculus). For all of these formalisms, it is shown that their semantics guarantees that computations proceed only while respecting confinement constraints. It is proven that, after successful static type checking, data can reside at, and cross only, authorized nodes. Possible "localizations" of this property are discussed that require checking only relevant sub-nets.